Company will send to the members of the Company approved Financial Statement, Directors’ Report and Auditors’ Report at least 21 c;ear days before the Annual General Meeting.
A bank account should be opened in the name of the company.
Statutory audit by a Chartered Accountant.
Holding of minimum 4 Board Meetings every year – A meeting of board of directors of the company should be held within 30 days of its incorporation. For this, a 7 days’ prior notice shall be given to the board of directors specifying the date, time, venue and agenda matters of the meeting. Thereafter, next every meeting should be conducted within 120 days.
Cost auditor is required to be appointed as per Section 148(3) along with Rule 6(2) and Rule 6(3A) of the Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules, 2014. For this, Form CRA-2 has to be filed.
Return of Deposits has to be filed with the ROC under whose jurisdiction the company falls via Form DPT-3, in compliance with Rule 16 of Companies (Acceptance or Deposit) Rules, 2014.
Section 203 read with Rule 8 & 8A of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014 requires appointment of CFO or CS or CEO within 30 days of AGM or within 6 months in case of casual vacancy. For this, Form MGT-14 and Form DIR-12 are filed.
AGM for declaration of dividend has to be conducted in compliance with Section 96 of the Companies Act, 2013.
CSR Committee (If exists) has to hold four meeting with a gap of not less than 120 days between two meetings for discussion and approval of CSR activities. This is done in compliance with Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014 and Secretarial Standard-1.
Director’s are required to disclose any financial interest in the company via Form MBP-1in compliance with Section 184(1) of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 9(1) of the Companies (Meetings of Board and its Powers) Rules, 2014.
Statutory audit by a Chartered Accountant whose appointment of should be done within 30 days of incorporation.
The subscriber to the shares of the company will have to infuse the subscription amount in the bank account opened in the name of the company. Once the subscription amount is credited, the company shall allot the shares to the shareholders of the company.
After the allotment of shares, the company shall issue the share certificates in the name of the shareholders within 60 days of incorporation of the company. The share certificates shall be adequately stamped and signed. The stamp duty to be paid on share certificates will depend on the state in which the company is incorporated.
A company having a share capital must file a declaration for commencement of business within 180 days of its incorporation in e-Form INC-20A. A company is restricted from commencing any business activities unless it has filed such declaration with the Registrar of Companies.
A director before his appointment must declare in writing that he is not disqualified to act as a director of a company. The declaration shall be made in Form DIR-8, as specified under the Companies Act, 2013.
Director KYC (DIR-3 KYC)
Annual filings to the ROC. (e.g. AOC-4 for Financial Statement, MGT-7/MGT-7A for Annual return)
Maintaining minutes and statutory registers
Due date is 31st July of every year.
Due date is 30th September of every year.
Due date is 30th November of every year
Event-based Annual Compliances of Section 8 Company :Event-based, as the name suggests, are the compliances need to be filed on the occurrence of specific events. Unlike annual compliances, these are non-periodical in nature.
The checklist for event-based compliances for Section 8 Company is as follows:
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